Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Week 14

This is my poster for my Final Year project presentation.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Week 13

This is a video of my project. My project is the process when there is light blind window will open and when the light Posted window blind closing. Consequently, when the hot weather there is light at more than 30 degrees celcuis blind window will close and when the temperature is below 30 degrees celcuis blind window will open.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Week 11

Blind shade which is already fitted with a motor. shade blind size is 26 x 26. motor is placed at the blind shade, to facilitate the movement of the curtain. This model has been installed for the final project.

This is a picture of the motor position in blind shade.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Week 10

 Complete join all the circuit, pic circuit, circuit LDR and driver circuit for the motor. Connection between the circuit controller circuit with LDR circuit is in port RC0 on pic while the motor driver circuit on RB1 and RB2 port pic and temperature circuit at port RA1.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Week 9

Test circuit temperature before construct to pic controller.As a result of continued IC process scaling, the importance of leakage power consumption is increasing. Leakage accounts for 40% of the power consumption of today’s high-performance microprocessors. Power consumption, temperature, and performance must now be optimized during the entire design flow. Leakage power
consumption and temperature influence each other: increasing temperature increases leakage and vice versa . Leakage power estimation is frequently used in IC synthesis, within which it may be invoked tens of thousands of times: it must be both accurate and fast.

  • It has an output voltage that is proportional to the Celsius temperature.
  • The scale factor is .01V/oC
  • The LM35 does not require any external calibration or trimming and maintains an accuracy of  +/-0.4 oC at room temperature and +/- 0.8 oC over a range of 0 oC to +100 oC.
  • Another important characteristic of the LM35DZ is that it draws only 60 micro amps from its supply and possesses a low self-heating capability. The sensor self-heating causes less than 0.1 oC temperature rise in still air.
        The LM35 comes in many different packages, including the following.
  • TO-92 plastic transistor-like package,
  • T0-46 metal can transistor-like package
  • 8-lead surface mount SO-8 small outline package
  • TO-202 package. (Shown in the picture above)

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Week 8

The light sensors we used are LDR and single-supply transimpedance amplifiers OPT101 from TI. The light output increases linearly with light intensity. The photodiode has an internal amplifier with a 1MO resistance, which is used when pins 4 and 5 are connected together. Because of this amplifier, we could directly insert the output of the photodiode into the ADC in the MCU. The light sensors go into ports A.1 (inside sensor) and A.2 (outside sensor). We used a 5V regulated input from the MCU. At bright lights, the sensor read up to 4.27V on the voltmeter while getting a .06V when covered upr

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Week 7

Temperature input is done by the use of the LM34 sensor. It is amplified by a gain of 2 using the LM358 for greater accuracy before entering the ADC in the MCU. The temperature sensor input goes into port A.0 of the shade’s MCU. The current room temperature is then calculated from the ADC value and used to determine the settings of the shade.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Week 6

The blinds are moved up and down using servo motor. The motors are optoisolated using 4N35 isolaters and powered by a ULN2003A Darlington Array. The stepper motors are used because of their accuracy since the blinds are expected to stop at specific positions depending on the user's previous preferences. They both drive a single gear that increases the torque in the system, allowing shades to be reaised smoothly. Spools are used to roll up the string that holds the window shade. Pulleys are used to redirect the force of the pulling so that the single gear and rod are able to raise and lower the shade. The string goes through the holes of the original window shade frame, so that its outside appearance looks exactly like a normal window shade.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Week 5

Finish construct circuit and ready for testing.

PIC is a family of modified Harvard architecture microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology,derived from the PIC16F877A originally developed by General Instrument's Microelectronics Division. The name PIC initially referred to "Peripheral Interface Controller". PICs are popular with both industrial developers and hobbyists alike due to their low cost, wide availability, large user base, extensive collection of application notes, availability of low cost or free development tools, and serial programming (and re-programming with flash memory) capability.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Week 4

litar power supply

A power supply is a device that supplies electrical energy to one or more electric loads. The term is most commonly applied to devices that convert one form of electrical energy to another, though it may also refer to devices that convert another form of energy (e.g., mechanical, chemical, solar) to electrical energy. A regulated power supply is one that controls the output voltage or current to a specific value; the controlled value is held nearly constant despite variations in either load current or the voltage supplied by the power supply's energy source.
Every power supply must obtain the energy it supplies to its load, as well as any energy it consumes while performing that task, from an energy source. Depending on its design, a power supply may obtain energy from:
  • Electrical energy transmission systems. Common examples of this include power supplies that convert AC line voltage to DC voltage.
  • Energy storage devices such as batteries and fuel cells.
  • Electromechanical systems such as generators and alternators.
  • Solar power.
A power supply may be implemented as a discrete, stand-alone device or as an integral device that is hardwired to its load. Examples of the latter case include the low voltage DC power supplies that are part of desktop computers and consumer electronics devices.
Commonly specified power supply attributes include:
  • The amount of voltage and current it can supply to its load.
  • How stable its output voltage or current is under varying line and load conditions.
  • How long it can supply energy without refueling or recharging (applies to power supplies that employ portable energy sources).

Friday, 3 February 2012

Friday, 27 January 2012

Friday, 20 January 2012